Ya’ll it’s been another looong day of apartment hunting. We found a place and signed the papers and we now have a place to unpack our things! It also has an attached garage and we are the first ones to live in it, which is perfect for a germaphobe like me 😛
That is one thing taken care of…

We also had lunch at Firehouse Subs, one of my faves, but there aren’t any nearby in Fort Worth so we stopped there on the way home. They lost our ticket so it took them a LONG time to make our food so they gave us some cookies and brownies and a free sub meal on our next visit! I guess we will be returning soon since it will be only five minutes away now! It’s a long drive out there and I’m beginning to see how in rush hour traffic it could be a problem. I’ll stay at my current job until they find me a place closer to Plano….until then I guess I’ll just be getting up at the crack of dawn to beat traffic. That is fine with me as long as I have my Starbucks and good music to jam to on the way I think I’ll be alright 🙂
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That firehouse sub is looking really GOOD!! We use to have one here , but since the economy has become worse …they closed the store down! I miss it. They are really good subs! 🙂
Have a good day!
Congratulations on finding a place! So exciting! :]
Firehouse is Yummy! At my last job, they used to bring their subs in to sell in our cafeteria once a week. I miss that! haha
So happy to hear that you have a place to live… I’m sure that is a load of relief! We had an apartment with an attached garage a while back and LOVED it.
YAY!! So excited for y’all. I hope it all works out with your job!!
yea for a place to live! I love the apartment.. looks SO nice!! Have a good rest of the weekend!
There are no Firehouse subs here 🙁 I can’t wait to come see you. I tried to call you – CALL ME or get on gmail! LOVE YOU!
yay for finding a place!!
aw, congrats!!! such a good feeling:) I love how much you love starbucks. I just realized it was in your header! haha.
p.s. that sub looks amazing!
Aww and I like your purple top!!
How exciting! The place looks awesome-and you will love the Willow Bend mall which is close by~
YEA!! congrats!! Step one complete =) Those apartments look REALLY nice!!!
Now we just gotta pray for that miracle baby to get here already!!!!
yeah!!!! That is so exciting.
BTW.. that sub looks yummy!
Congrats on finding a new home!!! So exciting! That firehouse looked good. We used to have one across the street from us in Pensacola…man I miss that place!
congrats on finding an apt! i love your purple shirt!
yea for finding a place & moving out!!! I KNOW YOU ARE SUPER EXCITED!!! those apartments look super cool 🙂
HOORAY TERENCE AND BECKY! The apartments “look” like you guys, lol. They fit you, :).
Do you get to pick a color scheme?
cute pic! and we LOVE firehouse subs! they just put one here recently!!
cute pic! and we LOVE firehouse subs! they just put one here recently!!
yeah!!!! That is so exciting.
BTW.. that sub looks yummy!
How exciting! The place looks awesome-and you will love the Willow Bend mall which is close by~
aw, congrats!!! such a good feeling:) I love how much you love starbucks. I just realized it was in your header! haha.
p.s. that sub looks amazing!
YEA!! congrats!! Step one complete =) Those apartments look REALLY nice!!!
Now we just gotta pray for that miracle baby to get here already!!!!