I love going home. Mom and Dad spoil me rotten then send me back! LOL! The weekend included going out to eat at PF Chang’s, seeing Terminator Salvation (I thought it was very good…I’m in love with the dude who plays Marcus now!), I got to see my Nannie for a couple hours and had lunch at Chili’s, breakfast at Cracker Barrel, helping Mom pick out flowers for her flower bed, and just sitting back relaxing and enjoying my time off with them. The drive isn’t too bad, now that we’ve moved to the northern part of Dallas it takes about an hour off of my usual drive home. Until next time – Love you Mom and Dad – Thanks for a wonderful visit!

Mom and Dad bought me a TopsyTurvy. You hang in from your porch and it grows tomatoes out the bottom of the container. I hope it works! I’ll do updates on the TT and let ya’ll know if it grows anything, typically I don’t have a green thumb 😛 Anyone who knows me KNOWS how much I love home grown tomatoes!
how fun!!! going home is the best!! i pray daily that we will someday get to at least live in the same town as family again soon…
have an awesome “short” week and any update on interviews?!?
As a momma of young adults… I can imagine how much joy having their baby home brings them!!
I LOVE HOMEGROWN TOMATOES!! We always have a huge garden, but this year, David added some cherry tomatoes in a large container in the yard, so I can grab them whenever I want!!
Be sure and let us know how the topsy turvy works out! I love to garden, but don’t have a lot of time to garden. I’d never seen these, and how perfect would they be!
I want to buy a topsy turvy too! Let me know how it goes – and be sure to add some pictures!! 🙂 I’m glad you had such a great weekend with your parents!
Awww too cute! Glad you got to hang out with your family! 🙂
That thing looks so cool so I’m excited to hear if it works!
What great pictures! Glad to see that you had a wonderful holiday weekend.
I just bought myself a topsy turvy. I hope it works and that we both get tons of tomatoes.
omg, i love it and you can tell just how much your parents love you!!! xoxo i am so ready to see my family this weekend.
Aww cute pics!! =]
Beautifullll! Love your hoops!
that is so sweet of your mama!! Looks like you really had a great time there! So great of your parents, I totally cannot wait to see your tomatoes grow! So exciting!
How sweet – I love it! 🙂 I can’t wait to hear all about the tomato growing.
Looks like you had a great trip at home!! That Topsy Turvy thing looks neat. You’ll have to keep us updated as to whether or not it works!
My daughter loves these, she can repeat the whole commercial. We saw one at the garden center and wanted one. LOL I can’t wait to see if it works.
We bought a TT. Now we just need to track down a tomato plant to put in it!
We bought a TT. Now we just need to track down a tomato plant to put in it!
Looks like you had a great trip at home!! That Topsy Turvy thing looks neat. You’ll have to keep us updated as to whether or not it works!
My daughter loves these, she can repeat the whole commercial. We saw one at the garden center and wanted one. LOL I can’t wait to see if it works.
How sweet – I love it! 🙂 I can’t wait to hear all about the tomato growing.