12 thoughts on “I love some bananas

  1. I wish! But can you believe I am DEATHLY allergic to bananas?!?! We’re talking choking, unable to breath–whip out the Epi-pen and give me a shot, allergic! NOW THAT SUCKS!

    About the “Birthday Sex” song…I honestly can’t understand half the stuff he says in that song! The words seem to run together at times, but the beat is good!! 🙂

    Hope you had a great day!!!

  2. wait wait wait…why is morning sickness in italics?!?! lady are you trying to send us subliminal messages?!?!?!? you want to tell us something???

  3. I eat a banana every day!! Cheap, easy to peel, small healthy fruit! What more could you ask for? The only con is that they have a short lifespan of about two days! I like them sort of green!

  4. I eat a banana every day!! Cheap, easy to peel, small healthy fruit! What more could you ask for? The only con is that they have a short lifespan of about two days! I like them sort of green!

  5. wait wait wait…why is morning sickness in italics?!?! lady are you trying to send us subliminal messages?!?!?!? you want to tell us something???

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