Vegas BABY!

I had a good visit in Vegas with sidder. It was HOT….and I wasn’t feeling good 90% of the time πŸ™ We made the most of our time together even though Bon had to work and I stayed in her apt with the doggies a couple days. Mom and Dad finally arrived from Arkansas on Friday. That night we went to The Cheesecake Factory and walked around Caesar’s Palace and the Bellagio. I didn’t get to spend much time with Mom and Dad, just Friday night and Saturday morning…and yes, I cried when they dropped me off at the airport (hormones)…I want my Mommy and Daddy to be close so bad…..especially now.

Here is our “Britney” pose with the snake at FAO Schwartz

Mom and Dad brought us a TON of Nannie’s tomatoes…our favorite! Thank you Nannie πŸ™‚
Tastes like HOME

Water fountains outside the Bellagio

Mom and Dad
(Nana & Opa???)

Mom LOVES penguins

Here is our pose tribute to Aunt Karli….hiding our “gobbler”

and a real picture

Jason and Daddy

We saw some bling…this is what I want for our 10 year honey???

Diamond encrusted Rolex

Jason patting Bon’s belly


Buffet at the Wynn

Desserts from the buffet-that I couldn’t eat b/c I am not craving ANY sort of food right now…blah!!! I did enjoy a bite of each. We DID NOT go to Serendipity….after all the hype I wasn’t craving it….I know…I’ll kick myself later, but there is always next time!

And in case you haven’t heard….Bon and Jason are having a BOY!
I love you my dear family and I miss you all way too much!
I am off to bed and it’s only 6:15 – I made it through work only getting sick twice…..morning sickness please go away SOON!

34 thoughts on “Vegas BABY!

  1. aww Becky!! looks like you had so much fun! ….ohh noo I hope it goes away soon…it will πŸ™‚

  2. What a gorgeous family! Congrats to you and your sis! What an exciting time to be pregnant with someone so close to you!

    I’m sorry that the morning sickness is still getting to you. Just know that it will all be worth it in the end!!!! πŸ™‚

    PS: I’ll go ahead and take the diamond encrusted Rolex now! Where can I order it!? KIDDING! I’m just dreaming again!

  3. What a fun trip! I love the “Britney” poses! lol! You guys are adorable!

    Hang in there with the morning sickness….My mantra used to be “this too shall pass!”

  4. Looks like you had a great time Becky (minus the not feeling well part). You look just gorgeous in the pics! I love the Britney pose (she’s my girl even though she has gone off the deep end- I am going to Vegas in Sept. to see her). Hope you are feeling a little better now πŸ™‚ XOXO

  5. Looks like fun even though you were sick the whole time. I love Vegas! Like everyone said hang in there! It will pass!

  6. It looks like ya’ll had fun on your trip. I can’t wait to find out what you are having. Hope you feel better soon!!

  7. Sorry that the morning/all day sickness is getting you down. Praying you’ll feel better soon.

    Glad you had a good visit (anyway). I know exactly what you mean about needing your Mommy and Daddy right now… I did that too!

  8. What a small world it truly is! Your little cousin, Linsay R. went to camp with our church! She is a cute girl and really sweet!

    Hope you are feeling better!

  9. Sorry to hear you are feeling so sick!!!! I will pray you start to feel better soon!
    Just rest up and keep growing that little miracle baby!!!

  10. What a bummer to be sick on your trip but it looks like you still made the best of it!

    Hope you are feeling better!

  11. What a fun trip! I love the “Britney” poses! lol! You guys are adorable!

    Hang in there with the morning sickness….My mantra used to be “this too shall pass!”

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