Almost DONE!

We had a final inspection of the house yesterday and there are still a lot of things that need to be taken care of….but hopefully in the next couple of weeks we will be able to move into the house. I am SO ready for all of this to be finished and to get settled so we can relax! I am so tired here lately, but very thankful for the tiredness too πŸ™‚
Here is the progress…almost finished!

Fridge was delivered
Back patio
Fireplace mantle



These are the pendants we ordered & they are installed

Dining room light

Breakfast room light-we ordered all the lights from Pottery Barn, this one I’m not sure about?

more to come soon….

21 thoughts on “Almost DONE!

  1. Love your new header!!
    Did you do a walk through with the builder or did you pay an inspector to go through the house? Most people don’t hire a third party on a new house but it is WELL worth the money. It gives you things to ask for that you would never know about before you close.

  2. WOW everything looks FANTASTIC!!

    PS I also love your new header… you, the hubs and the red coat look so classy in it! πŸ™‚

  3. Your home is coming together quickly and it is SO BEAUTIFUL! What an amazing time for you and T!!

    Thank you, Becky, for your comment on my post yesterday. It helps to hear from the “child’s” perspective. I know this is a good experience for K and K…I just hope those grandbabies don’t come too fast, because that will bring another poor pathetic “woe is me” post from this ole gal! Ha!

    Love your new blog design!

  4. Just came across your blog – very cute! Your house is gorgeous – and so is your baby bump! Can’t wait to see how it all turns out.


  5. Just came across your blog – very cute! Your house is gorgeous – and so is your baby bump! Can’t wait to see how it all turns out.


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