18 thoughts on “Oh Christmas Tree

  1. It’s beautiful! You did a great job! I just started listening to all Christmas music on my IPOD as of today and am really enjoying it! Glad you are feeling good and hope you have a great time with your sister next week. Hugs, :o)

  2. So pretty! love the colors!

    mine goes up the sat. after thankgiving because we get a real one!

    and i’ve soo been listening to the christmas music!!

  3. What a pretty tree! I’m lamenting over whether or not I want to put a big one up, or the small one. I know it’s practically sacrelidge to not put a tree up for your babies first Christmas, but gosh darn the little booger, he gets into EVERYTHING. So, I’ve thought about putting up the big one, and just decorating with berries, and strands of things- no ornaments. I’m all about picking my battles, ha! Enjoyed catching up over the last few posts. You’ll love the baby carrier! I use my slings all the time. Your house is looking good, I like how you’re decorating it!

  4. so pretty!! πŸ™‚ I’m so glad you put it up, it’s way better to enjoy it as long as possible. I’m thinking mine goes up this weekend! And PS I’m jealous that your station started playing the music! They normally start around this time here but not yet! πŸ™

  5. Your tree is lovely! I’ve been debating on when to start decorating. It’s kind of “tradition” to do everything the day after THanksgiving but I love Christmas decorations and they’re never up long enough!

    And I’m still waiting for our station to play CHristmas music here!

  6. LOL Becky – I hear you about them eating your food that way – it would definitely be WAR! HA! Love the Christmas tree – it’s beautiful! Have a great weekend next weekend with your family – wish I were going home to Arkansas to see mine too. :o((( Big hugs! xoxoxo

  7. Loving your tree. I usually put mine up on black friday- but since we are having Thanksgiving I am re-considering……

    And now since I know I am not the only one….YAY….Thanks!

  8. Your tree is beautiful!! I put mine up around the same time you did too- I just can’t get enough Christmas and it always comes and goes too quickly, so I thought this year I would enjoy every extra day of it I could!

  9. Your tree is beautiful!! I put mine up around the same time you did too- I just can’t get enough Christmas and it always comes and goes too quickly, so I thought this year I would enjoy every extra day of it I could!

  10. LOL Becky – I hear you about them eating your food that way – it would definitely be WAR! HA! Love the Christmas tree – it’s beautiful! Have a great weekend next weekend with your family – wish I were going home to Arkansas to see mine too. :o((( Big hugs! xoxoxo

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