Growing Boy

Connor –

Daddy took you to your 4 month doctor appointment today and he said you did so good! Mommy had to work, but you got an excellent report! You are 60th % for weight, 90th % for height, and 95% for head. Daddy said you didn’t cry when they first gave you your shots, but by the third one you were not too happy! I wish I was there to hold you all the times when you cry my sweet boy! You are so strong and LOOOOVE to try and stand up! You are growing so quickly right before our eyes and we are so blessed by your little life and couldn’t imagine our life without YOU in it! Love, Mommy

8 thoughts on “Growing Boy

  1. What a big boy!!! So sweet! Love those chunky baby legs too πŸ™‚ We have some serious ones at our house too – can’t get enough of them. Can’t wait for next week for Cannon’s 4 month appt (other than the shots of course) to see how much he has grown – he’s another big one too.

  2. FOUR months already!!! That’s just crazy! He is a gorgeous, growing boy!! I’m enjoying getting to watch from your window in the Connor-world.

  3. What a big boy!!! So sweet! Love those chunky baby legs too πŸ™‚ We have some serious ones at our house too – can’t get enough of them. Can’t wait for next week for Cannon’s 4 month appt (other than the shots of course) to see how much he has grown – he’s another big one too.

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