Well….after all this planning tomorrow is the big party day! I want to thank you all for your kind words of encouragement and advice through this crazy time. It’s been a lot of fun for me! I think things will turn out great and the most important thing is memories are made and fun is had!
Connor’s actual birthday isn’t for a couple more weeks. I have a three day weekend this week and it helps because my Mom and Dad are able to come in from Arkansas and this gives them more travel time and more time to spend with us! Yeah! They are on their way RIGHT NOW and I hope my Mom knows I am going to put her to work helping me when she gets here 😉
I was trying to get a few photos of Connor in his birthday shirt he’ll be wearing tomorrow. Ashley at She She Made did a FABULOUS job and it’s exactly what I envisioned it would look like. Thank you Ashley we LOVE IT!
It’s so hard to take a picture of this booger right now!
These are some things I am loving right now…
If I ever throw another party these are some fun things 🙂
Love this bookshelf – Just because….
Paper Straws Here
Initial Lollies Here
After this past year I have promised myself to give up on the owls. I know Connor will probably not be into them as he gets older and as I start to think about a “big boy” room I’m sure it will completely change. Whether it’s airplanes, dinosaurs, sports, or whatever….I just hope it’s not Yo Gabba Gabba or Barney…Lord help me! He’s really starting to talk more and babble and it’s so cute! He is standing now, but afraid to take that first step. He just freaks out when you let go of him!!!

Last night my boys took me to dinner at Red Hot & Blue. Poor Terence is a big blur. I HATE MY CELL PHONE CAMERA!!!! We had a good time going out together and Connor enjoyed his Cheerios while we devoured ate our BBQ. Oh! And we also hit up Braum’s ice cream for $1.50 double dip ice cream cones! I’m really enjoying this 70 degree weather this week….it’s such a nice change from the winter weather we’ve been having.
I hope you all have a great weekend and I hope to come back on Monday with lots of party pics to share!
Oh-and I took down the Disqus comments….it was getting on my nerves!!!
YAY Happy Birthday Party weekend!!! Hope everything goes well and he has oh so much fun (and you get to enjoy yourself too)!
I have been obsessing over this book shelf tree too! I must have this!
What an exciting weekend for y’all coming up!!!! Can’t wait to see pics! I guess I should get moving on getting everything for Cannon’s party ready too – only a few more weeks!!! 🙂
His shirt is SO cute!!!! 🙂
Im excited to see the pictures. So Lauren LOVED Barney. I admit, I like him too 🙂 Maybe Connor will bypass the big purple guy!
Hope he has a great party! You won’t ever forget it!
Loove red, hot, and blue. When I was staying in Dallas so much last year I got hooked on their potato salad. Yummers!
he looks so sweet!!
T-A is just gonna have to deal with the farm animal theme for a veryyyy long time..haha, i honestly think she will still love it in a few years, we farm..so she should..lol!
good luck with the party!!
we’ll be sending a little something in a few weeks 🙂
love the happy tape! must have!
Awe, his shirt is just too stinking cute!
yay for no disquis comments. 🙂 I can’t stand trying to leave comments that way. I have nothing but trouble.
i can’t wait to see the pictures of his party! i know everything will be adorable!
I like the owl shirt! He is getting to be such a big boy! Have a great weekend!
I can’t believe he’s so OLD! What a cutie!
That bookshelf is amazing! I’m not sure just how practical it is, but I can’t help but love it!
Can’t wait to see how it turned out…have fun!
So excited that your party is finally here!!! You have been working so hard!
BTW, love the new blog design and that you took down the DISQUS comments. DISQUS never seemed to like me anyway, I never knew if my comments were posted.
Have a great weekend and happy birthday Connor!!!
Hope your party was wonderful – can’t wait to see the photos! I LVOE that owl shirt on him. You’re absolutely right to do whatever theme you want this year. The future will hold all kinds of action figures and who knows what else for these little boys. Mama has to have her fun now! :o)
thanks for getting rid of disqus…for some reason it was always really hard for me to leave comments. i can do it on other pages with disqus..weird. anyway, i love his owl shirt and can’t wait to hear all about the party! 🙂
Yea! I hope everything was absolutely perfect for Connor’s party! Now that it’s done, you should post a blog of Must Dos for those of us starting to plan 1st birthday parties!