12 thoughts on “Extreme Makeover HELP!!!

  1. Hey Becky, I’m not sure this poll is working correctly. I just tried to vote and it said I can’t vote more than once….well, I hadn’t even voted yet.

    Anyways, my vote was for #3, but it was a real close tie between #3 and #1. I love both of those! Good luck! Oh, and I’m going to get a refreshing hair cut soon. Where did you go to get these picture ideas (even tho it’s for color)?

  2. I’m with Tonya your voting poll isn’t working my friend 🙁

    I choose # 5 – it’s way different than what you have now!!!!!

  3. I really like #3! Best of both worlds….Light and Dark =) Good Luck! Can’t wait to see what you picked.


  4. Number 1 or Number 5 depending on dark or light. Number 6 for the cut (though just a bit longer). My vote counts at least 20 times more than anyone else here 🙂

  5. I love 2 or 3! I still think you would love the darker underneath & highlights on top…keep your hair longer, but go blonder!!! 😀 Love you! Can’t wait to see pics!

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