This is a sponsored post for New Leaf Energy. All opinions & thoughts are my own.
I just picked Connor up from school today and we are on our usual route home on the freeway here in DFW. Then as I’m driving along I pass a marquee that says “LIMIT OUTDOOR ACTIVITY” or “OZONE LEVEL ORANGE”. Can I tell you how much that scares me about our air quality???
Will my son be able to grow up in a world without pollution and trash all over the highways? I am praying he will. All we have to do is be conscious of our actions. Laziness is what has led us to this path of destruction.
We have started to teach Connor what you’re able to recycle – plastics, cardboard, and glass. He knows exactly where the recycle bin is in our house and he goes straight to it! Love his willingness to save and re-use. We also try not to use so many paper items like paper plates, cups, and silverware. Yes, it is easier to just chunk things in the trash…but beyond that remember where it ends up! A landfill somewhere near you.
I was super excited to hear about a new campaign called “Planting with Pablo” & New Leaf Energy.
Pablo B. Green, is the loyal tree frog mascot & will be planting 1 new tree for every new Facebook Fan received through 12/23/13.
Visit the New Leaf Energy Facebook page and become a fan for a greener future.
“At New Leaf Energy, we’re all about providing our customers and the communities that support them, the option for an affordable, sustainable energy company. Beyond just providing 100% e-certified green energy to Texans, we are in the business of providing people with the tips, tricks and knowledge to lead a green life.
This campaign was designed to help spread green knowledge to the next generation: your children. We want to know how people are helping their children understand sustainability and what they’re doing to practice it.
From planting trees together, learning to re-purpose household items, and even simply recycling, we want to hear how you do it! Plus, we’re making it super easy for your audience to help the planet — we’ll be planting one tree for each new Facebook “like” we receive until December 23rd. Encourage your audience to participate in making the earth a greener place with a simple click!”
So what are you waiting for go LIKE Green Leaf Energy and let’s plant some trees!