We’ve had a busy couple of weeks around here. It seems like Valentine’s day just whizzed by us! I know a lot of people feel like it’s a sappy holiday and yes you SHOULD tell those you love that you love them every day…but it’s nice to have a day of remembrance for love. Terence got me some pretty earrings and brought me home a slice of heaven also known as Godiva cheesecake from The Cheesecake Factory. Only later did he tell me he waited 45 minutes in line for a slice of cheesecake. I split it with him <3 Now that’s love….
Nana & Poppy sent Connor a Valentine and the expression on his face was priceless. I was cracking up because he was so overwhelmed he got a Valentine and TOY money!!! Such a silly boy!
I finished Connor’s classroom Valentine’s earlier in the week. Looking back that was a blessing because I ate a blueberry muffin and got food poisoning. I was SO sick that night. Ugh….it was from Starbucks for realz….I mean come on???
Our Valentine #selfieaday on Instagram
We took Connor to Build-A-Bear on Saturday to pick out his Valentine gift. He’s never been before so it was really sweet. Super crowded on a Saturday….note to self go on a week night! He picked a Spiderman bear and is obsessed with it.
Putting a heart inside of his bear His bear got all stuffed and a new Spiderman outfit and was ready to be LOVED! Connor got a haircut today….it’s so short. He looks a lot older when his hair is short….it’s hard for me to cut it every.single.time.
We hope you all had a great Valentine’s day!!!! xoxo the Branches