My favorite vacation spot is…
Right now I’m dying to go to Ireland and Scotland. Besides that I loved Paris and England. We visited for our 10 year anniversary & stayed with Terence’s cousins. It was a great trip and one I hope we can do again someday!
If I won a million dollars I would…
Pay off all our debt then pay it forward. Tithe. If God blesses you I believe you should bless others.
If I could go on a date with ONE celebrity, it would be…
Nuff said. Channing is da’bomb.
If I found a genie in a bottle, my three wishes would be…
1. World Peace
2. Free Starbucks for all
3. 50 lbs would magically disappear from my body 🙂
My favorite clothing item is…
A comfy cardigan. It’s so flexible and forgiving. Dressing in layers is always good….especially if you live in Texas and one day it’s 80, the next it’s 40 degrees.
I second that ‘to whom much is given, much is required’ sentiment! And I want 50lbs to disappear from my body. Of course, it might be easier if I weren’t stuffing my face right now with chips and homemade guacamole!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dear God, why must I love food so darn much? Geeesh.
Nicole @ Three31 recently posted…Finish This #15
I know you’re gonna fina a genie bottle and I would like a tall skinny latte please.
Jeannie recently posted…Instant happy