This post is sponsored by Evivo but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.
Having a new baby in your life is one of the most life altering things you’ll experience. It’s full of so many joys and let’s not forget many many nights of sleeplessness. Terence and I sure are enjoying baby Heidi and I know her big bro is too! You know how everyone loves giving you advice and telling you what to do as a new Mom. It’s okay to take all that advice in, everyone is trying to do what’s best for baby.
All I want for Heidi is to give her the best start in life. Heidi is about to turn 2 months old and we are all settling into our routines and she’s growing like a weed! From the time she was a couple of weeks old I started her on probiotics. I take them myself, so I researched them and discovered there were probiotics for baby too! Her little body is developing so quickly right now and her gut health is super important at this age. We use Evivo probiotics and have been super happy with them so far! Evivo is the first and only clinically-proven baby probiotic that restores the good bacteria, B. infantis that is critical for a healthy infant gut. There are other probiotics on the market, but Evivo is the only one specifically formulated to partner with breast milk. I’m strictly pumping by the way! Evivo transforms the nutrients in breast milk into valuable nutrition for baby.
Your Evivo kit comes with everything you will need to start giving your baby probiotics. You can put it straight into the freezer and keep it there until you’re ready to use.
Babies in developed countries used to be born with B. infantis, the good bacteria baby needs for the development of a healthy gut. Unfortunately, this good bacteria has disappeared over generations due to the unintended consequences of modern medical practices like C-sections, antibiotics, and formula feeding. I had a C-section with both pregnancies and it is tough! While all these practices are important medical advances, they have wreaked havoc on baby’s gut health and 9 out of 10 babies born today are missing this key good bacteria. Without B. infantis, bad bacteria is able to flourish.
Good bacteria is critical for the development of a healthier metabolism and stronger immune system. Without B. infantis in baby’s gut, bad bacteria can thrive. Make sure baby is set up from Day 1 with the good gut bacteria needed with Evivo.
One of the most buzzed about topics right now is the importance of gut health. While pediatricians and parents are becoming more aware of gut dysbiosis, they don’t totally understand the severity of the problem and that there is a direct link between too much bad bacteria in baby’s gut and conditions such as allergies, diabetes, colic, eczema and obesity. Statistics show that these conditions are on the rise and the trend keeps growing.
Here are some helpful facts about gut health:
- MYTH #1: Baby looks healthy so baby’s gut is healthy too.
- FACT #1: 9 out of 10 babies born in the US have a low functioning gut microbiome due to the lack of good bacteria needed for a healthy gut.
- MYTH #2: Babies will grow out of tummy troubles as they get older.
- FACT #2 : The first 6 months are critical for proper immune and metabolic development. Too much bad bacteria in the gut early in life is linked to metabolic and immune disorders such as asthma, eczema, allergy, Type 1 Diabetes and obesity down the road.
- MYTH #3: Baby probiotics are only needed when symptoms appear.
- FACT #3: Probiotics are not just for fixing symptomatic conditions. In fact, Evivo is the only probiotic clinically proven to repopulate baby’s gut with the good bacteria they are missing 100% of the time, every time.
- MYTH #4: There’s not enough science to prove probiotics are really helpful.
- FACT #4: Evivo is the result of over a decade of research and clinical trials studying the importance of B. infantis in the gut, and the many benefits it provides to baby’s gut health.
- MYTH #5: All probiotics are the same.
- FACT #5: Strain does matter. Evivo is the only baby probiotic clinically proven to be 100% effective in restoring B. infantis to baby’s gut while reducing bad bacteria by 80%.
Learn more about Evivo here.
Mixing bowl and syringe come with kit and all you have to do is mix with milk!
I know how important these first 6 months are and it goes by so fast! I’ll do everything I can to give my babies the best start in life and that’s why we started using Evivo. Heidi is less gassy and seems overall happier when her GUT is happy too! That makes for a much happier Mom as well
Adding Evivo to our daily routine has been super easy and doesn’t take long at all. Here’s my happy girl at almost two months. Gosh I love her so much! I hope you’ll check out Evivo if you have a new baby in your life too!