First Day of School & Preparing for the Future

 Hello friends!  Hope your summer is winding up well and everyone is getting back into their routines after school starting again.

Here are my two babies on their first day of 9th grade (Connor is a Freshman) & Kindergarten (Heidi).  Time goes by so fast.  When I started this blog almost 19 years ago, it was meant to be a landing page for all my friends and family back home in Arkansas to keep up with us in Texas.  I was such a good blogger when Connor was a baby!  Alas, times changed and now we are in the land of Instagram, Tiktok, and Twitter.  Before you know it Connor will be starting college.  We’ve talked about high school, and how grades “count” now, and you can’t miss assignments anymore.  He’s in the big leagues now!

If you’ve been reading this blog for any length, you know I’ve worked in banking/finance for over 20 years.  Sending our eldest off to college is our next big step, and the biggest asset you have is TIME!!!   While we always hope for the best, you can never be too prepared for the future and what it might bring.  Starting a college fund at a young age and investing in instant life insurance can help protect your future.

I know these kids are going to do great things in the world!

Some things that you can do if you have a young child right now are:

  • Start a college fund
  • Show your child how to save – open a savings account
  • Show them how to budget their money and TIME
  • Make plans for their money- this gives them something to get excited about!
  • Talk about money openly in your household.  While money isn’t everything, it does provide opportunities and opens doors
  • Invest in life insurance
  • Start a youth investment account.  This allows them to watch their money grow.

Here’s Connor with me at work.  He got his first job over the summer, so we opened him up his first checking and savings account. It’s been a learning experience thus far, but we are teaching him about saving and financial bounderies.  Fidelity has a great account for youth to start learning about investments too!

I love these savings banks – Dividing their money into three different sections for giving, saving, and spending.

This was a cute moment.  Heidi saw this shirt I was wearing one morning and turned around and went to her room.  She came back in a matching shirt like mine.  Your kids always want to be like YOU!  They are looking to you for advice and wisdom…and sometimes fashion lol!  Investing in them and the future is one of the BEST things you can do as a parent.  If you all have advice I’d love to hear it as well!  We hope everyone has a blessed week- xoxo Becky



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