Thoughts on a 2nd Child

Bless his heart he carries all these animals around like they are his best friends.

I’ve never really talked about it before on the blog.  The desire and want to expand our family of three.  The truth is I’m so torn and not sure what to do.  I want to be thankful for our one perfect angel from Heaven.  It took us so long to have him & I’m not sure how long it would take to have another.

I didn’t have a glowing & beautiful pregnancy.  I hated being pregnant.  Gained over 70 pounds and had a 10 lb kiddo.  I had horrid nausea in the first trimester…so bad I didn’t know how I was going to get up out of bed all day.  The thought of going through all of that again scares me.  It’s totally worth it….but it scares me.

Connor is growing into such a fun little boy.  Sometimes I feel guilty because he is so needy and he desires a connection with other kids.  He’s told me before he would love a brother or sister.  I don’t quite know how to answer that?

Then there is the financial aspect of having another baby.  We’ve pretty much rid our household of all things baby related, so we’d have to re-purchase everything.  The cost of having a child in a hospital is super expensive (my insurance ain’t what it used to be!) and we certainly couldn’t afford two kids in daycare.  I know we can make sacrifices and make it work, but that would be so hard!

After we had him and experienced the endless nights of no sleep we told each other maybe this is it?  This is about all we can handle.  Lets face it, we are selfish parents and 100 % guilty of putting him in front of a TV in order to have some personal time.  We don’t read to him like we should, or do a lot of things like we “should”.  So with that comes a lot of guilt….can we give TWO enough time if we can’t give one child what he needs right now?

How do you do it?  How do you make time for yourself while still providing that attention to your child….let alone two, or three, or four?  Maybe I’m just drawing a blank because I just don’t know.

I had my annual “lady visit” a couple of weeks ago.  She kindly let me know that I was getting up there in age and once I reach 35 I’ll be considered high risk.  In my heart I would LOVE to have another child.  It’s the best, most fulfilling thing I’ve ever done in my entire life.  My husband is a planner, spreadsheets, and worry wart-whom I love dearly and am grateful for those qualities by the way!  How do we start to get on the same page?  I don’t want to look back 10 years from know and be resentful and wonder “what if?”

How do you know?  How do you manage? 

I’m lost here and just looking for advice and encouragement on the subject…because right now my heart is torn & very uncertain.

Thank you friends…..xo Becky

My Child is a Part of My Life – Not my Entire Life

D7K_6513When I say that my child is a part of my life, not my entire life I say that with pure and utter honesty.  We all struggle to find that balance in motherhood.  Once you have your first child, then it’s “When are you having another?”  A couple years later when you DO have another child (if it’s the same-sex as the first child) they ask “Are you going to try for a GIRL?”  It’s so easy to lose your identity in motherhood.

You’ve gotta find your happy place and live in it.  Own it.  Count your blessings one by one.  It’s not a contest, it’s not a game, and we aren’t competing against each other.  I’m happy with my moderately sized home, being a working mom, and my one baby boy.  If having 7 kids and being a stay at home wife/mother is your calling then by golly go and do it!  Whatever trips your trigger honey…..Just do it!

Everyone is different and each family has specific needs of their own.  So, when I say that my child is a part of my life and not my ENTIRE life I want you to understand why I’m saying that.  I have so many friends who have begun to identify themselves through the lives of their children.  It’s okay, you’re a Mom, and your child is a major part of your everyday life.  Just don’t forget about yourself in the process.   Ask yourself:  What did you love growing up?  What were your hobbies, dreams, and desires?  Just because you’ve become a mother doesn’t mean you have to give up all your hopes and dreams and put them on the back burner.  It’s okay to go after your dreams.  It’s okay to not feel guilty about doing that!  Shocker I know….

If you are married talk to your spouse & communicate what the desires of your heart are.  He may be surprised to find out what you are really thinking.  Once you hit “Mom-Mode” it’s easy for everyone around you to identify you as just a Mom & forget everything else you are cabable of.  I’m Becky, a wife, friend, photographer, artist, baker, funny gal, AND a Mom too 🙂

I love waking up every morning to my crazy 3-year-old.  He’s no ray of sunshine…ha ha!  But he’s mine, and I’m forever grateful God chose me to be his Mama.  I also know that God has SO much more in store for me than just motherhood.  I don’t want to lose myself it an identity crisis & think that’s the only thing I’m good at or capable of.  In the land of Mom blogs it’s refreshing to me to find a non-mom blog and read about more than just diapers and DIY projects.  I am also guilty of this….just saying……

I went to dinner with a good friend last week.  She’s 32, single, never married, and no kids.  She said to me “Thank you for spending time with me and hanging out.”  I said to her “What do you mean?”  She then went on to tell me that she felt like a lot of friends our age have stopped hanging out with her because she’s single and has no kids, they assume she wouldn’t want to.  The truth is she LOVES kids and just wants to be included and hang out too.    This made me feel so bad for her & I realized that this is SO true!  We seclude so many people in our lives because they aren’t walking the same path we’re on & in the process missing out on incredible things!  Can you believe that???

I’m happy with who I am.  God has truly had His hand over my life.  I’m grateful for every single second.  I love being and wife and mom.  Those things are the cherry on top of everything else.  But, there’s so much more to me than being a Mom.  So, Connor, I want you to know I love you….and you’re a part of my life….and probably the best part ever….but you aren’t my entire life.  The only way I can be the best Mama to you is staying true to myself and my heart by pursuing my own dreams and desires.  That way Mama & Daddy can be the best for you in return.  I hope one day you’ll do the same my love!  Pursue your hearts desires and live every day to the fullest….and know you were the best part ever. – Love Mama

Sometimes You Need to Slow Down…

I’ve got so much going on that I’ve got to slow down a little bit before I run myself ragged. It seems like every weekend something is going on. I’m finally getting my hair done after neglecting it for the past 5 months. I’m really trying to be patient and grow it out….but it’s in such an awkward phase right now.

The one thing I don’t want to do is put my family on the back burner…as soon as mid November hits I’m just going to relax and really start hitting the gym hardcore. I was doing really good at going, then we went out-of-town and this week I’ve had a good life long friend visiting. We had a great time & I’m trying to get her to move here 🙂  *hint* *hint*

I went to my annual lady visit and seriously nearly stroked out when she weighed me. Something had GOTSTA change. I’m just not gonna let this happen dang it!

So I was driving down the street the other day and I passed a farm stand with the most gorgeous mums. I keep telling Terence how much I love mums and wanted to get some. So I peeled into that parking lot like a hot tamale and got me one! Purple, TCU purple ya know…because that’s how we are around these parts.D7K_6421 My love bug in the back seat rolling. He loves wearing those sunglasses.D7K_6435 My friend Ellen (the one who came to visit this weekend) makes the most GORGEOUS jewels. Go check out her site HERE and show some bling love!D7K_6447 My October Birchbox finally arrived. It was a tad late. I like it “okay” I want more MAKEUP!!!! Eyeshadow, lipstick, blush….blah blah blah. MAKEUP. Okay I’m done. D7K_6483
Hope y’all are having a fab Thursday…don’t forget the Mug Swap linkup is tomorrow if you signed up and and haven’t sent yours out or recieved one yet please email me!!!! xo Becky

All You Can Do But Laugh

You know when you get so flustered, embarrassed, or afraid that you just don’t know what else to do but laugh?

Yeah, that happens a lot.  I don’t know what comes over me, but I’ve always been that way.  It bugs the tar outta me!  My twin sister and I used to do this all the time.  We would just look at each other and burst out laughing for no reason at all.  Just silliness I guess.  In some ways it was our way of saying “I understand”.

She’s the one that got me started in all this bloggy business.  (It’s not a business for me…and I know I do a lot of product reviews…but I’m no Scrooge McDuck!)  I struggle to find that balance of maintaining a blog that is true to myself and also have fun sometimes with reviews, which provides a little extra coffee money savings.  I think that is something every blogger struggles with.  I started my blogging journey 7 years ago.

If you would have ever told me I’d make a dime off of my hobby I’d roll my eyes and be like “riiiiiiight”.  But blogging is SO much more than that.  I’ve met people I would have never known unless I were a blogger.  People and a community that has blessed my life in so many ways.  Yet, I think I could and should be doing so much more than I have been with this blog.  I’m just grateful people care enough to read and pray for us.

I’m not perfect, and you don’t know everything about me.  I do struggle with things just like you do.  A lot of times it’s easier to express yourself through writing. I’ve said things in the past I’m not proud of and wish with all my heart I could take back….ugh.  I guess that’s the ugly thing about the Internet, they say it will always be around.  Wonder if that’s true?

At the end of the day my boys are my everything and that’s what matters most.

All of this to say THANK YOU!  And as our pastor says in church “Go find someone you’ve never met before and shake their hand & say God bless you so glad you came today!”


She makes me laugh. *Sisters*

The Monster of Anxiety & Worry

We’ve had a crazy, busy, wonderful weekend!

Recap:  I was blessed to shoot the wedding vow renewal ceremony for my coworker and friend Lenora’s sister.  Terence got Connor a remote control monster truck and I’ve managed not to fall over it yet.  We had a yummy dinner at my in-laws house with family.  Visited some dear friends of ours new baby today in the hospital.  Ate ourselves silly at a BBQ place.  Connor got a major haircut (maybe too short).  Window shopped at the mall, and didn’t spend any money 🙂  ONE LAST student loan payment and we will be debt free!   Thanks to my hubby, I moan and groan about him all the time, but I’m so thankful he’s good at spreadsheets.  Oh, and I joined the gym today.  Gulp.  Wish me luck on that one.  If you want to see some pictures of this weekend be sure to visit Instagram.

It’s been awhile since I’ve actually sat down to write.  I’ve been meaning to write since we heard a sermon at church a couple weeks ago.  The sermon was about facing our monsters.  In particular the monster of anxiety and worry.  If you know me, then you know that is something I struggle with on a daily basis.  It just blows my mind that Terence can hit the pillow and I am still awake an hour later.  My mind is running through all the things I did that day and all the things that need to be done tomorrow.  I just can’t seem to let go of everything.

I wish I was the kind of person that could just let things roll of my back and move on, but sometimes that’s just so hard.  That worry descends into hopelessness and helplessness and I get discouraged.

Worry produces obsessive control and leaves you feeling out of control about what lies ahead.  The Lord knows I forget a lot of things, I beat myself up about stuff more than anyone else could.  There are days that are harder than others, and I’m sure we all go through this.  God has blessed me with amazing family and friends, praying for myself and my family, and I’m beyond thankful.  God created community to carry you through hard times and lift you up!  To be a support system and love one another.  That’s why I love blogging so much, it’s such a great community and I’ve met so many awesome people.  The good has far outweighed the bad.

Sometimes I wonder why I am so lucky to live in a free country.  Why am I so lucky to have a beautiful family- when there are so many out there who cannot bear children.  Why am I so lucky to have a home/car/job-when there are people living paycheck to paycheck trying to make ends meet?  Why am I so lucky to have clean running water, clothes to wear, and a grocery store to run into when I need food- when so many have no clean water, no shelter, and food is scarce.  What makes me different than them?  You never fully know someone really….you never know the reasoning behind their circumstances in life.  How they got to where they are, why they behave the way they do, or the way they think.  Why should I care what people think of me?  They don’t know me KNOW me?  God knows me, and I am supposed to be a living example of Him.

I am a child of God and this is who He has chosen me to be.  I can only do the best I can.  At the end of the day knowing I tried and was kind and giving towards others.  Worry also draws people to irrational conclusions.  For example, if you are worried about flying on an airplane because you think it will crash.  Ahem…Really?  The chances of that happening are highly unlikely and irrational.  God will never leave you, nor forsake you.  He is near to the broken hearted.

No matter where you are in life it’s always going to be something!  When you are a baby everyone is watching you grow up to see what kind of person you’ll be.  When you go through the teenage years it’s all about grades, friendships, and getting into the right school.  During the college years it’s finding your path, choosing what form of education you want, dating, looking for the one.  When you find the one it’s all about getting married, when will you have kids & get a house.  When you do finally have kids then people start to ask if you are going to have another….and if you have another and it’s another BOY are you going to try again for a third?  See it’s always something!

It’s easy to get carried away with what the world says is okay.  The world says it’s okay to have a tan, carry a Louis Vuitton purse, wear skinny jeans, and apparently “twerking” is okay too.  Let’s think about that shall we….if I had a tan it would just be one big freckle and I paid all this money to change my skin tone for nothing, not to mention the risk of cancer.  Think of how many mouths you can feedwith the thousands of dollars you spent on ONE purse.  Skinny jeans ain’t my friend, I look like a busted can of biscuits sliced open sideways, but everyone else has them…duh….so they must look good!  I didn’t even know what “twerking” was until a few weeks ago, but it ain’t pretty folks.  It hasn’t done anyone favors.  So much for what the world says is cool….

While the future is uncertain, I know God is in control.  When you communicate what worries you to God it will bring about change in your heart.  God ALREADY has a plan!!!  Before you even knew it.  Meditate on what YOU KNOW is certain and forget about the worries of tomorrow.

Whew.  If you are still with me…thank you.  Thanks for caring, thanks for reading, and thanks for the years of community, love and support.  I guess that’s about all I have on my mind tonight.  I’m sure I’ll think of more when I lay down and hit the pillow.  Ha ha!

I’ll leave you with this:



Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matt 6:34 NIV


Throwback Thursday #TBT 12 Years

12 years ago on August 4, 2001 I married the love of my life.  My Ter-Bear.  We’ve been through so much together I can’t even begin to write our story.  I’m so thankful I have this blog to write my cherished memories in and look back on the ones I’ve forgotten.  Thank you Terence for loving me, for taking care of us, for all you do that goes unnoticed and for all the days we’ve had together and the future we’ll share.  I love you more today than yesterday and tomorrow more than today.  Love is not finding someone to live the rest of your life with, it is finding someone you can’t live without.


Self Image


Thanks to those who commented on my blubber post below.  When I post pictures of myself on this blog it’s always ones I like or I think I look best in.  Of course who would want a horrible picture of them up on the Internet for everyone to see?  I know how to pose at a flattering angle or crop in a way I don’t look fat.  Everyone is their worst critic.  I could tell you a million things I’m not happy with about my body right now….but it’s mostly a mind game.  There is no quick fix, special pill, or diet.  I think a lot of how you feel about yourself on the outside comes from how you feel on the inside.  I give myself a hard time if I mess up or do something stupid, and food is a comfort.  That pint of Ben & Jerry’s Phish Food….uhm hello?  Makes me feel good for the moment….

Over the years you learn about your body.  How it absorbs things and handles different foods.  I know carbs are not my friend.  However, I don’t eat a lot of meat….only chicken and bacon.  I’m probably the heaviest almost-vegetarian out there!  Chocolate is a continuous temptation as well.  I have a candy dish on my desk at work all the time.  I need to get that as far away as possible.  If I can’t see it, then it’s out of sight & out of mind.

Terence and I have been doing okay eating this week. I had a very light dinner tonight, I did that mostly because I went out to eat (veggie sandwich) and ate candy while at work.  Dang.  I’ll pick back up tomorrow.  I know I need to do better at drinking more water and I want to try and do the Advocare cleanse again.  Last time I did well, lost about 5 lbs.  It wasn’t the best time because I had a vacation planned and my birthday fell in that time period.  Hence several birthday desserts later…

Anyway,  thanks for the kind words of encouragement.  I know so many other women especially deal with self image issues.  I don’t think I’m in a terrible spot right now, but I’m also at a point where I need to make a change and decide what to do.  I want to live a long and healthy life, watch my kid(s) grow up, and celebrate my 70th wedding anniversary.  I want to do this for me so I can feel better on the inside and out.

Okay, done with my rant.

On another note, I am LOVING my new cross body bag.  I have always adored this brand called Latico Leather.  They had a sale a while back on Zulily and I got a great deal on it.  The leather is SO soft and lightweight.  I cannot stand purses that are heavy and weigh you down.  This is the perfect weight and it’s so cute 🙂


My fave color!  I love this one too!
