You can find the free printable HERE and I just used a simple scalloped punch. Happy <3 day!
Last year you may remember these Valentine’s I made for Connor’s class. This year I made some more cute labels to share. You can print them on stickers or punch a hole and tie ribbon through them.
Here’s the printable *Click picture to make bigger* :
I ordered these little suckers from Amazon the other day so we will see how it turns out. They may be small….I’ll post the final product! 🙂
What are y’all planning on making for Valentine’s Day???
Today I’m linking up with Kelly’s Korner for one of my favorite link-ups….Christmas tour of homes. I just LOVE to see how everyone decorates and brings the Christmas spirit out each year. I added a few things here and there this year…but nothing huge changed from last year. We’ve had a crazy ice storm so it’s definitely felt a lot like Christmas around here. I hope you enjoy our Christmas home….and remember Jesus is the reason for the season 🙂
Here is our tree:
The Nativity
Connor’s Santa pictures over the last few years. I still haven’t framed this years photo.
Our very first gingerbread house
Merry Christmas chalkboard & Christmas cards display Christmas inspirational sayings…
A little mini shopping cart filled with candy
My baby in footsie pajamas. I think I will cry when he can’t wear footsies anymore!
Can’t wait to see what you all have done to decorate for the season and HAPPY FRIDAY!!!
Oh! And I almost forgot today is the reveal for our secret Santa swap over at Tales of a Twenty Something!
Here are my goodies. I love everything so much. The candle, candy, and towels are totally ME!
Thank you “secret Santa” I love it all 🙂 You’re the best!
The last couple of days being stuck inside the house have been driving us all nuts. Last night we may have taken a Rubbermaid container and let Connor slide down a hill in it. That’s not a safety hazard is it? We didn’t have a sled, but it ended up working out great 🙂 I didn’t feel so bad after I saw the other kids all sledding in laundry baskets last night. The things you do for your kids!
Connor’s been enjoying his first
snow ice that he can remember. We have tickets to the North Pole Express this afternoon and I’m just hoping they aren’t cancelled. He’s been so excited to go on the train all week.
We also made our first gingerbread house. That was a lot of fun. I’m really enjoying this age Connor’s at right now. It’s so magical and his imagination cracks me up.
We put up our nativity too!
What have y’all been up to in this crazy weather?
Cardstore (where we ordered our cards) is having an amazing sale right now on their cards. If you haven’t ordered yet- try them! I was MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR impressed with the quality!
Also this rendition of “The Little Drummer Boy” by the Pentatonix. They are an acapella group. I can’t believe there are no instruments used in this whole song. Amazing!
It’s been a crazy busy week. At work and at home. Geesh….this is the time of year it doesn’t slow down I guess? We have a cold front right now in Texas and I’m loving it. We are taking full advantage of building fires in the evenings. Connor loves to help build fires 🙂
This past weekend I went to a Christmas Etsy market with my good friend Sarah. She brought along baby Ellie, whom I’ve been dying to see since the hospital. She is just the cutest….like ever. There were some really cute vendors there. The market was located at the Shops at Park Lane and I’d never been there before. It was outside basically along one main street. There was an indoor area, and it was COLD! I am hoping that as word catches on there will be more vendors and it will get bigger in the future. Who would’nt love a HUGE Etsy paradise?
Cute little wooden ornaments
Wooden teethers
The market
Lots of paper goods and custom artwork
This little snuggle bunny. Baby Ellie.
1001 reasons I need a girl. So she can wear this shawl.
We also put up our Christmas tree and nativity. Connor’s been playing with it every day.
The treeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!
Sarah and I
Connor holding baby E. Love this.
Thank you Sarah for inviting us to tag along! You are such a good Mama and we love you!
xo Becky
Print from emilyley
Mug from Crystal Faye
Gold Foil Thank You Cards via PeiDesign
Gold and mint earring from tinygalaxies
Gold polka dot dish plate from Silver Lining Ceramics
Leather gold polka dot clutch from Melgarita
Linen & Leather tote from MUNIshop
Tinkerbelle Art Print by JanetHillStudio
Bowl with gold detail by Unwhiteheart