Baby Connor update and some shower pictures

We went in for a sonogram this morning.  Connor is head down and he is measuring about 85% above what he is supposed to right now.  He weighs 7 lb 15 oz as of today!  If I go another 2 1/2 weeks I think we may have a big ole boy on our hands!  I was SOOO hoping they would send me across the street to the hospital, but no such luck 🙁  I am not dilated and he hasn’t dropped.  I don’t know if that is because my pelvic bones are so narrow he can’t feel him yet or he just isn’t ready.  I am sooo ready!  My ribs are ready for some relief! LOL!  Thank you for all your kind comments….right now it’s all I can do to make it to and from work and home each day.  I know it’s not too much longer and we are getting so excited!
Here is Terence playing the “get the clothes pin in the jar” game
And here is baby Connor’s first TCU shirt (I look aweful in that pic!)
I got one in!  Woohoo! 
I love the gals I work with and they threw us such a great shower!  We are so blessed! 
Okay-back to work…..hope you all are having a good day!

Connor’s Room

Here is Connor’s crib finished.  I just LOVE it!  I got the bedding today at my shower and my mother in law did the most fabulous job ever and I couldn’t have imagined a more perfect bedding set for baby Connor.  She is so talented and we are SO lucky to have her! 
Thank you Mom I LOVE IT!
Here is the mobile-it has little owls that match the pillow in the crib

She also made a diaper stacker and organizer to match
I think we are about ready to go here….not too much longer now 🙂



It’s finally Friday! Yeah!  These past couple weeks have gone by soooo slooooow!  Everyone that walks into work says “Wow, you’re STILL here???”  I’m gonna be here until I pop.  The more time I can work now, the more maternity leave I can have later.  It’s been pretty rough though.  Yesterday I had to go buy some house shoes because the ones I was wearing were cutting off my circulation.  Thank goodness I work right next to a shoe store! LOL!

These things are EVIL (Reese’s peanut butter hearts)
These are my poor cankles last night
We went to the breastfeeding class last night and it was really informative and I’m glad we went.  There were so many young girls there with their Moms or Grandmas….I know I am nervous, but I can’t imagine how they must feel.  Oh-AND there is a Starbucks downstairs in the hospital lobby 🙂  PERFECT!
And here is my puffy self this morning sitting at work with my feet propped up in my slippers.
I won a Starbucks card from Sarah…so I didn’t hesitate to use it!  THANK YOU dear friend!
Tomorrow the ladies I work with are throwing me a baby shower and I’m so excited.  Hopefully I can get someone to take pictures.  Until then-HAVE A FAB FRIDAY EVERYONE!

Bling! Bling!

I have officially been pecked by the Twitter bug with this new phone.  It’s fun to read everyone’s updates….I can’t believe how much some people are constantly updating their twitters!  Some of them are so hilarious too!

If you want to follow me on Twitter, not that I am THAT exciting…but if you do my Twitter name is: BECKYLBRANCH

I went to Hobby Lobby today and I got this bling bling “B” for $1.99 and put it on the back of my phone case.  Isn’t it just presh???  I love me some bling!  What do you think…too much?

Also-this is a funny story that happened this week.  I went to get gas before work on Monday morning and I stopped at the QuickTrip because they have the lowest gas prices and they have the BEST crunchy ice in their drink machines.  I was about to start pumping my gas when I noticed it automatically selected the mid-grade gas instead of unleaded, which is 15 cents more expensive.  I didn’t want to pay the extra 15 cents per gallon, so I cancelled the transaction and swiped my card again.  The second time it STILL selected the more expensive gas!  I looked around and no other pumps were free so I just said “what the heck” and pumped the mid-grade more expensive gas anyway.  I had to get to work people!  I went inside to tell the sales clerk…or actually I waddled inside (as I do now days) and she asked if I tried to cancel and do it again…I said yes.  She just looked at me like I was crazy!  I walked or waddled away….and she saw the belly.  When I went back up to the counter after getting my drink she gave me about $3 cash to make up the difference between the premium and unleaded gas, some free drink coupons, and gave me my drink on the house.  I think she felt sorry for me! Ha..ha..

How did you say "I Love You"?

Valentine’s day is only 11 days away! 
What are your plans for V-day?  Do you have any traditions?
How did you tell your significant other/husband that you LOVED him?
-OR- Did he say it first?
This picture of Terence and I brings back so many memories.  It was taken about 10 years ago in T’s college dorm room.  We look so young!  I gave him that kissy pillow case for V-day that year and I told him I loved him by spelling it out on his wall in glow in the dark stars so he could see it every night before he went to bed.  I am sure his dorm mate JUST LOVED that!  Ha..ha..ha..
When we moved into our first house on the Air Force base I put the same stars up on the ceiling…I just don’t know where they are now after several moves.  I’d like to put “I love you” in stars back up on our ceiling someday 🙂
Terence bought me a HUGE box of Godiva chocolate that same year…I joke and tell him that is how I “knew” because chocolate was the key to my heart!  Not really-but ya know…..I do love chocolate!
This will be the last Valentine’s day just the two of us….next year we’ll be kissing on Connor…and I just can’t wait!