Whelp. Here we are on week three. I apologize for being late with this link up. I am off work today…hooray!!! Hence the staying up until 1am and watching everything recorded on my DVR and paying for it when your 2 year old hops on your face to wake up.
I have to say this week I didn’t do so hot. We had a wedding shower with lots of treats. My nieces birthday party was yesterday, I didn’t take cake and ice cream. That took willpower not to have some Hello Kitty cake with choco ice cream. Ugh.
Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels right?
I was SURE I had gained weight this week. I have been watching my calories and eating pretty good…not great, but good.
I also wanted to do some sort of “cleanse”. I feel bloated and I guess I just want to feel cleansed. Does that make sense. Does anyone else ever feel like they need to Dyson their insides?
Week 3 stats:
weight: 171
difference: -1 pound
ONLY ONE POUND…I’ll take it.
It sure is hard to get all those dang eggnog lattes off my belly. But they sure were good.
Ahhh….I’m so random. Also, if you received like 100 emails from me to join “Fancy” I’m sorry! I was hacked or something??? I have since changed my password and cancelled anything having to do with that site.
So what are some things ya’ll have been doing to help out with weight loss? I know that working 40+ hours a week that most of mine is going to have to do with diet. When I get home from work it’s all I can do to put a decent meal on the table folks.
Any pointers???
So proud of all of you and it’s so SO SO encouraging for me to read your stories each week. You.have.no.idea.
Thank you!
xoxo Becky